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Media Relations

Media Inquiries

LIPA is a not-for-profit public utility with a mission to enable clean, reliable, and affordable electric service for our customers on Long
Island and the Rockaways. Since 2014, LIPA has contracted with PSEG Long Island, a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group
Incorporated (PSEG), a publicly traded diversified energy company, to operate LIPA’s transmission and distribution system.

Are you a member of the media and have a question for the LIPA team? We can help you with your inquiry during business hours by
emailing [email protected], or by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

For media inquiries related to day-to-day utility operations, outages, storms and storm response, and customer service, please call the
PSEG Long Island 24/7 media pager at 516-229-7248 or email [email protected]. For PSEG Long Island press releases, visit
the PSEG Long Island newsroom.

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Fill out the contact form to stay up-to-date on LIPA news, press releases, and media advisories.

Media Inquiries
