Integrated Resource Plan
The 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) studies supply- and demand-side resources for electric power supply to Long Island and the Rockaways. The IRP will help LIPA chart a path forward for compliance with New York State’s nation-leading climate policy, and ensure access to adequate electric power resources so that LIPA can continue to serve its customers reliably and affordably. The IRP is being developed by LIPA’s Service Provider, PSEG Long Island, as an agent of and acting on behalf of LIPA.
Background & IRP Objectives
In July 2019, New York State enacted the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) – one of the most aggressive clean energy and greenhouse gas reduction policies in the country. The Climate Act includes, among other goals, a state-wide requirement that 70 percent of electricity consumed in the state by 2030 be produced from renewable energy; the development of 6,000 MW of distributed solar by 2025; 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035; 6,000 MW of energy storage by 2030; and 100 percent zero-carbon electricity generation by 2040. These requirements will have a significant impact on the supply and demand of electricity on Long Island and in the rest of New York State.
LIPA’s IRP examines the impact of Climate Act requirements and other potential electricity market changes during the study period of 2023 to 2040. The IRP will ultimately result in an action plan for the next five to ten years that will identify the key actions and investments that LIPA will undertake to meet state goals while continuing to meet the electricity needs of its customers reliably and cost-effectively.
Key objectives for LIPA’s IRP include:
- Supporting and meeting CLCPA goals
- Eliminating dependence on fossil-fueled generation
- Integrating substantial amounts of renewable energy resources
- Identifying the impacts of the shift to electric vehicles and other key demand-side trends
- Identifying benefits to disadvantaged communities
The IRP considers supply-side resources (e.g., clean generation and energy storage), demand-side resources (e.g., energy efficiency and demand response), and transmission investments. If the studies identify a need for a major new investment or program, the action plan will identify a schedule of tasks to address the need, such as initiating a new procurement, participating with other load-serving entities in a joint procurement, or establishing a new customer program.
Timeline, Public Comments, and Scope of Work
LIPA and PSEG Long Island staff developed the workplan for the 2023 IRP starting in early 2021. LIPA staff presented the objectives, key challenges, and timeline for the IRP to the LIPA Board at its June 23, 2021 meeting. To initiate public engagement on the IRP development, LIPA held a 30-day public comment period on the Scope of Work (SoW), which commenced on July 23, 2021. LIPA received 18 comments on the proposed SoW. Comments, and LIPA’s formal responses, can be found in the “public comments” drop-down below.
The IRP team and its technical advisors completed the basic set of studies in accordance with the original SoW in late-2022, and subsequently carried out related follow-on activities to refine the results, package the IRP for a wider audience, and get public feedback and Board approval. In early 2024, LIPA invited written comments on the IRP and held three public hearings, with both in-person and virtual participation options. The IRP team reviewed, summarized, and responded to the public input in a Board resolution, which was approved at the March 27, 2024 LIPA Board meeting.
With the release of the IRP Summary Guide, LIPA will provide further opportunities for feedback from customers and other stakeholders. LIPA is accepting written comments from customers and stakeholders. Comments can be submitted via email to [email protected].
LIPA’s resource planning process is a collaborative effort, developed by LIPA’s service provider, PSEG Long Island, with active involvement from LIPA staff and assistance from utility consultants and industry researchers, who provided input on emerging technologies such as advanced battery storage, including short- and long-term feasibility as well as risks and challenges to consider in model development. LIPA would like to recognize the valuable contributions provided by PSEG Long Island, The Brattle Group, M. J. Beck Consulting, Brookhaven Science Associates, and Stony Brook University.
- Public Comments on IRP Summary Guide
- February 12, 2024 IRP Public Comment Session Video Nassau County
- February 13, 2024 IRP Public Comment Session Video Suffolk County
- February 12, 2024 IRP Public Comment Session Transcript Nassau County
- February 13, 2024 IRP Public Comment Session Transcript Suffolk County
- February 15, 2024 IRP Public Comment Session Transcript The Rockaways
- IRP Summary Guide
- 2023 IRP Scope of Work
- 2017 LIPA & PSEG Long Island IRP Public Hearing Presentation
- 2017 IRP Public Comment Summary
- Guide to 2017 IRP & Repowering Studies
- Frequently Asked Questions – IRP & Repowering Studies
- PSEG Long Island IRP Analysis Summary
- Independent LIPA Generation Planning Review by Brattle Group
- Letter from Department of Public Service on Brattle Group Report
- Repowering Feasibility Study of Port Jefferson Power Station
- Repowering Feasibility Study of E.F. Barrett Power Station
- Repowering Feasibility Study of Northport Power Station
- NYSERDA Clean Energy Standard
- NYSERDA: Energy Storage
- Department of Environmental Conservation Subpart 227-3 Ozone Season Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Emission Limits for Simple Cycle and Regenerative Combustion Turbines
- New York Independent System Operator 2040 Power Grid
- New York Independent System Operator Power Trends 2021 Report
- PSEG Long Island Clean Energy Procurements
- LIPA’s 2021 Bulk Energy Storage RFP